Series Industrial Module (TC430)

Ordering Code Series Industrial Module (TC430) Category



Out of stock is opening the door to new opportunities within the Industrial sector, low latency and reliable connectivity are vital to keep Machine – Machine communications and operations running smoothly. Without it, downtime or a degradation of service will be unavaoidable. acts as essential time-critical and saftey-critical infrastructure, with its robust capabilities allowing for mission critical communications and the ability for the network to self-heal. It allows for fast installation and works seamlessly through existing wiring to provide the low latency connectivity upon which industrial applications rely. topologies provide the IIoT backbone network for high speed and multi-hop point to multipoint (P2MP) connectivity for up to 250 nodes.

Designed in the UK by MWave, the I – Series Industrial Module (TC430) is optimised to enable the cost-effective roll-out of solutions in Industrial environments. The technology offers quick, low cost, seamless deployment without the need for dedicated data cabling or firmware. The module is designed using Maxlinear’s latest Wave2 chipset and ships using tried and tested HN Spirit Firmware (Home Networking) which facilitates P2P (Point to Point) and MESH topology networks.

Out of the box the I – Series Industrial Module (TC430) is configured for use over power cables typically carrying 24, 32 or 48V DC (or AC). It allows up to 14 nodes to be connected to form a mesh network. This topology and node count will cover many industrial applications. The module has a single 1 Gigabit Ethernet Interface which will satisfy most requirements at an affordable cost. The module also supports RS485 or RS232 serial interfaces that are commonly found in industrial installations such as factory automation and telemetry. The module is supplied DIN rail mountable in a robust aluminium cast enclosure, and comes with connectors for ease of installation. Status LEDs, Reset and Configuration buttons are recessed to stop accidental use.

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Series Industrial Module (TC430)

Order Code Series Industrial Module (TC430) Category

Description is opening the door to new opportunities within the Industrial sector, low latency and reliable connectivity are vital to keep Machine – Machine communications and operations running smoothly. Without it, downtime or a degradation of service will be unavaoidable. acts as essential time-critical and saftey-critical infrastructure, with its robust capabilities allowing for mission critical communications and the ability for the network to self-heal. It allows for fast installation and works seamlessly through existing wiring to provide the low latency connectivity upon which industrial applications rely. topologies provide the IIoT backbone network for high speed and multi-hop point to multipoint (P2MP) connectivity for up to 250 nodes.

Designed in the UK by MWave, the I – Series Industrial Module (TC430) is optimised to enable the cost-effective roll-out of solutions in Industrial environments. The technology offers quick, low cost, seamless deployment without the need for dedicated data cabling or firmware. The module is designed using Maxlinear’s latest Wave2 chipset and ships using tried and tested HN Spirit Firmware (Home Networking) which facilitates P2P (Point to Point) and MESH topology networks.

Out of the box the I – Series Industrial Module (TC430) is configured for use over power cables typically carrying 24, 32 or 48V DC (or AC). It allows up to 14 nodes to be connected to form a mesh network. This topology and node count will cover many industrial applications. The module has a single 1 Gigabit Ethernet Interface which will satisfy most requirements at an affordable cost. The module also supports RS485 or RS232 serial interfaces that are commonly found in industrial installations such as factory automation and telemetry. The module is supplied DIN rail mountable in a robust aluminium cast enclosure, and comes with connectors for ease of installation. Status LEDs, Reset and Configuration buttons are recessed to stop accidental use.